10 Secrets to Make Your Writing Better

Including the single most important line and one word to check.

Courtney Leigh
5 min readSep 9, 2024
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

In June 2021, I received an email from Medium™ informing me I’d earned 52 cents from my writing. I was dancing around my kitchen like one of the Peanuts gang, singing, “I made money from writing!”

I’ve made more money since then and a year later, I was invited to publish a book. The invite was so shocking, I deleted the publishing house’s first email because I thought it was a scam.

Over the years a few friends have asked, “How do you make money from your writing?” Here are a few top I share.

Some of these may evoke a, “Duh!” but even those you know you should use get dusty, so a reminder never hurts.

Let’s start with a “Duh!”

Taking a three-day Certified Scrum Master class, the teacher said,

“The Washington Post uses Scrum!”

For the uninitiated, Scrum is a software development methodology big in project management circles. Yet it’s applied to other projects.

The instructor said, “One of the problems at the Post was typos until they started doing this one thing!”

